
Southdown offers two types of Assessments:

  • Clinical Assessment
  • Candidate Assessment

Our Clinical and Candidate Assessments can be tailored according to individual needs, or to meet the specific requirements of the referring entity.

All assessments are conducted in a welcoming, respectful, culturally sensitive, and collaborative manner, ensuring client confidentiality and privacy in accordance with all mandatory reporting obligations

Assessments are offered in person at Southdown’s fully accessible campus in Holland Landing, ON or virtually through a secure, encrypted video conference platform.

Assessment services are available in English, French, and Spanish.

Clinical Assessment

Our multidisciplinary Clinical Assessment is designed for ordained clergy, women and men religious, and lay pastoral ministers who may be experiencing symptoms of distress arising from personal issues, difficulties in ministry, or challenges in relationships.

At Southdown, our comprehensive, integrated model for clinical assessment provides an in-depth diagnostic evaluation of the presenting issues and helps the individual and leadership create and implement a tailored plan to address key areas of concern.

The objective is to identify specific, measurable goals for personal development and determine the most appropriate and beneficial course of action for the individual. Possible recommendations in the evaluation may include outpatient care or a referral to residential treatment.

Candidate Assessment

Our multidisciplinary Candidate Assessment is designed for individuals who are discerning entry into ordained priesthood, vowed religious life, transitional diaconate, vocational diaconate, or permanent diaconate.

At Southdown, our comprehensive approach to candidate assessment highlights aspects of mature development and provides insight into the candidate’s strengths and areas for growth. Assessments assist vocation and formation directors, as well as the leadership of dioceses and religious congregations, in understanding their candidates’ ability to minister, live in community, and relate meaningfully with others.

All candidate assessments are conducted in accordance with best practice guidelines set by the local ecclesiastical authorities.